
Places To Visit in Bhutan

Places to visit in Bhutan, the tiny Kingdom in South Asia is well known for its Rich culture and traditions. The country is a paradise for the travelers those who are looking for peaceful and spiritual Journey. 

Laya Gasa Trek
Places to Visit in Bhutan

Tiger Nest – Place to visit Bhutan

Places to Visit In Bhutan is the Tiger’s nest Monastery . Also Known as Taktshang, Tiger Nest is most recognized and Highlighted spot, even people in the quickest tours to Bhutan would make a visit to the Place. Tiger’ Nest is one of the sacred Buddhist Place founded by Guru Rinpoche in 8th century. The monastery is perched on the cliff 900 meters from the valley floor. The Monastery was constructed later in 17th Century by Galesy Tenzin Rabgye, around the cave where Guru Rinpoche first meditated, the event that introduced Buddhism into Bhutan. The Name “Tiger’s Nest.” came after Guru Padma Sambhava brought Buddhism to Bhutan in the eighth century, flying on the back of a tigress to the present Location of the Temple.

  • 5 — 6 Hrs Round trip Hike
  • Elevation gain — 518m(1699ft)
  • Distance — 9 Km round trip(5.4 miles)
  • Trek difficulty- Modreate
Changangkha to Buddha Point Hike

Buddha Point – Place to Visit in Bhutan

Buddha Dordenma is the gigantic shakyamuni Buddha statue built on the mountain overlooking the Thimphu valley in order to commemorate the 6th Birthday anniversary of King Jigme Singye wangchuk as per the prophecy from the 8th and 12th century that the Giant Buddha would be built in the region. The Buddha Dordenma statue of Thimphu was built with an expense of almost $100 million in 2015. The Shakyamuni Buddha statue is situated in the ruins of the Palace of Sherab Wangchuk, 13th Desi Druk of Bhutan.

  • Type : Statue
  • Material : Bronze
  • Height : 169ft(51 meters)


  • Punakha Dzong popularly known as “Palace of Great Happiness is the largest and most striking fortified Fortress built in 1637 by Zhabdrung Nagwang Namgyel and it is the second oldest Dzong(fortress) in the country. It is said to be Most important Dzong(fortress) in the History of bhutan as It holds an important relic(Ranjung Kharsapani) over which many wars were fought with Tibetans in the 17th century. 
  • Punakha Dzong is currently used as administration purpose for Punakha District and also the Winter home for central Monastic Body.
  • It’s magnificent structure showcases the world-class architecture of Bhutan and finest Bhutanese craftnaship and the most beautiful Dzong in the Country

Punakha Dzong- Place to Visit in Bhutan

Places To Visit in Bhutan

Phobjikha Valley- Place to visit in Bhutan.

Places to Visit in Bhutan, Phobjikha valley is a Glacial formed valley located in the border of central and western Bhutan. The valley is famous for Gangtey Monastery and Valley being the the winter home for endangered birds the Black Necked Cranes. The Valley is also well known for lots of beautiful Hikes. The valley is enclosed by the mountain ranges, which experience snowfall. The valley also gets covered with snow during the winter months forcing people of the valley to shift to more pleasant climes during the months of January and February.

Dochula Pass(3150m)-Place to Visit in Bhutan

A mountain pass at the elevation of 3150m is located with 108 stupas known as Druk Wangyel Chorten built with incentive by the eldest queen mother, Her Majesty Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck in 2003 in honor of Bhutanese soldiers who lost their life fighting the Indian insurgent in the Min the southern Bhutan. Pass is also famous for the panoramic view of Himalayan snow caped Mountain Ranges during the clear day.

Chimi Lakhang(Fertility Temple) – Place to Visit in Bhutan

Places To Visit in Bhutan
  • Chimi Lakhang is popularly known as Fertility temple located at the hilltop of Sobsokha village. The Place is said to be blessed by very well known and Famous Enlightened saint Drukpa Kuenley(The Devine Madam) in the 15th century after subduing the demon which transformed to red Dog. Later His Brother Lam Ngawang Chogyel Build the Temple in honor of him subduing the demon and name the Temple as Chimi Lakhang(No dog Temple).
  • The temple is also well-known for all those married couple to seek blessings for the child.
  • 20 minute walk along muddy and dusty path through agricultural fields of mustards and rice, leads to a hillock where the monastery and the chorten are situated. All houses in the village have paintings of phalluses on their exterior walls. 

Khamsum Chorten Hike – Place to visit in Bhutan

  • The stupa in the form of Temple is build by the Mother of Current King in 1999 to safeguard Bhutan from evil force and for the well-being of all sentient being and also bringing Peace in the world.
  • The 2 hours hike will offer you the spectacular view of Kabisa village and the Mochu River(Female river)
Khamsum Yuelley Namgyal Chorten

Bumdra Night Camping – Place to visit in Bhutan.


  • Bumdra camping is Wellknown for a night camping and also arguably one of the most visually breathtaking treks in Bhutan. The trek takes you to the monastery above Tiger’s nest monastery at 3895m.
  • BUMDRA, literally means Rock of one hundred thousand foot prints of Dakinies or Angels.
  • Time Duration: 5–6 Hrs
  • Distance: 30Km
  • Trek difficulty: modreate

Takin Preserve – Place to visit in Bhutan.

  • The Takin(Burdorcas Taxicolor) is the National Animal of Bhutan associated with Bhutanese Religious History and Mythology. It’s Irvin Is attributed folk Hero the Devine Madman. It’s a very rare Mammal thick Neck and short muscular legs. It’s found above 4000m in the north western and North eastern Part of Bhutan.

Gasa(Day excursion) – Place to visit in Bhutan

  • Gasa is located in the North most part of Bhutan, Gasa Dzong was built in 17 century to celebrate the victory over Tibetans invasions.
  • Gasa is the Home for Highlanders known as layaps(Nomads) who livelihood are dependent on the Yaks. The District is famous for snow man trek, Hot spring and Newly promoted Festival, The Royal Highland Festival to promote the sustainable livelihood of Highlanders.


  • Place to visit in Bhutan, Bhutan is the Land of Happiness and well know for its philosophy of Gross National Happiness and also for its Natural Beauty, it’s rich culture and traditions, Humble and friendly people. These Top 10 are Just glimpses of what Bhutan can offer, There are lots and many More hidden Gems to Explore and Discover.

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